C artoon gabu
C artoon gabu

c artoon gabu

Márquez's masterpiece tells the story of a young man who lives with his family in Colombia during the early years of Colombian independence. However, instead of writing a simple novella, he created a novel that would go on to become one of the most famous works of fiction in history: "Cien años de soledad". He was deeply moved by the poem and decided to use it as the basis for a story. Gabriel García Márquez, one of the most important writers in the Spanish language, read "Gabu" when he was studying literature at university. These men sought to explore new dimensions of life by analyzing its essence and striving to express it in words. The poem expresses an essential theme in some of Mexico's greatest writers, such as Juan Ruiz de Alarcón and José Gorostiaga. It is made up of words and lines that flow out of who knows where and into who knows what might happen next.Īccording to the poem, reality is like a sea that contains many islands: each day we can discover new lands, but there will always be more islands than boats to sail across them.


A poem written in free verse is like the sea in that it has no specific form. In poetry, there are also elements of chaos and order. Humans, however, are not able to live without structure or logic, so we create these things to help us organize and make sense of the world around us. For example, atoms exist in space, following certain laws they can combine together to form molecules that can in turn assemble to form compounds such as diamonds or humans. In nature, we find systems that are completely chaotic yet still follow certain rules that cause them to function according to reason. When viewed as whole, the poem creates a picture of chaos, but if you look closer you will see that beneath this apparent chaos is a pattern that repeats itself over and over again.Ĭhaos and order are two sides of the same coin.


This sea represents life, which is full of uncertainty and unpredictability. He also mentions that the text is meant to be read aloud so that its rhythm can help set a mood.Ĭarlos Angeles' poem "Gabu" develops a metaphor for existence in the form of a sea. When we die, our bodies return back to the earth, but our spirits remain in the world forever searching for happiness.Īccording to Carlos Angeles, "the poem Gabu" is about life's restlessness and how, like the sea, one might discover permanency. Nature provides us with everything we need to survive she is only asking for respect. The world we live in is full of violence and destruction, but there is also beauty and peace.

c artoon gabu

Gabu is a love story between humanity and nature. He concludes by saying that while the poem may not be perfect, it is supposed to express the feelings of someone who has discovered something permanent in life. He also mentions that the poem is meant to be read aloud so that its rhythm can help set a mood. In his introduction to the poem, Carlos Angeles says that "Gabu" is written for anyone who has ever been restless or wondered if there was any meaning to life. The text's intended audience is everyone who reads it. Who is the target audience of the poem Gabu?Ĭarlos Angeles wrote the poetry "Gabu." The poem is about life's restlessness and how, like the sea, one might discover permanency.

c artoon gabu

Nature has been through many changes since Picasso wrote his poem. Picasso died in Málaga, Spain in April 1992.

c artoon gabu

He believed that only when this relationship is restored will there be peace. Picasso also stated that he wrote Gabu because he wanted to make people think about their relationship with nature. However, instead of being divided into scenes, it is split into "sections." Each section focuses on a different topic, such as science or society. It is set in quatrain (four-line) stanzas, similar to those used by Shakespeare. He spent about two months working on the piece, writing about 300 lines of verse. In an interview he gave to Newsweek in 1977, he said that he wanted to show how serious a problem pollution was becoming, and that he chose poetry as the means because it could not be solved with arguments alone. He started working on it in 1972, but didn't finish until three years later. The wording in the poem represents several things, the most significant of which are: wake up before it's too late to do anything, positive cooperation between humans and nature, and so on. Gabu is a poem on the importance of loving and protecting nature.

C artoon gabu